Episode 9


Sharon has been married for nearly 30 years and throughout her marriage she has learnt a lot. She shares what she believes has helped it stay strong and how she manifested it for herself. We also discuss how Olivia is not in a relationship and what she is looking for.

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Chapters
Mother and daughter discussing personal development and exploring life

About your host

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Nantwich Buddies

Nantwich Buddies is a volunteer organisation set up at the start of the pandemic in March 2020. Formerly known as RedShift Radio, the online community radio station and podcast network closed during lockdown and Buddies ramped up their support of the community. Helping with shopping, befriending and supporting the mental health of Nantwich residents.
The podcasting continues as Nantwich Buddies and podcasters are welcome to join our network as long as they meet the criteria: Engaging, Uplifting or Inspiring and support the wellbeing or learning of our community.